Exercise with a fun purpose
Lifting weights for hours each day is pretty easy for me. Not easy in terms of actually doing it (sometimes it takes my whole physical and mental strength to get the work done) but in just getting myself in to the gym to do my session. I never give myself the option of not doing it, it just doesn’t enter my mind. I enjoy lifting. But doing anything cardio related, that is a whole other story!
Before powerlifting, I used to do a lot more cardio style activities. Now, with powerlifting my priority, these activites just don’t fit in to my regime. However, low-intensity cardio is good for your overall health and wellbeing and it is something I am conscious about keeping up… but I find it boring. The thought of going for a 45min walk is painful to me (there, i admit it!), however I am happy to walk for hours and hours when I am travelling/siteseeing. I enjoy it when there is a fun purpose.
Earlier this year, I decided that I would turn my walks in to a project. I have a small dog, Holly, the Thrive PT mascot. She doesn’t need a lot of exercise, but she does enjoy getting out and about. One day I came across a large statue on one of our weekend walks and thought Holly would look cute standing next to it. I decided that I would turn this in to a project, to keep me enthusiastic about taking Holly out for long walks on the weekend.
I have called my project the ‘Schnauzer and Sculpture Series’ and during the week on our short walks, Holly and I look out for new sculptures. On the weekend we will go for a long walk and I will pick a sculpture to get a photo with. It might seem trivial, but this small project has reignited my desire to get out and explore my local area. The more I have walked around my area, and around other parts of Canberra, I am amazed by how many public sculpture there are! I can see this project going on for years!
So what’s the point of all this? Fun. Fun is the point.
Even I, a highly dedicated powerlifter and personal trainer, can find certain activities un-motivating, but to get myself to enjoy them, I found not only did I need a purpose (I already had a purpose, as I had to walk my dog no matter what), but I needed to make that purpose something I enjoyed doing each and every time I did it. I found enjoyment in the process.
So this is my challenge to all of you. Find your fun. Find or create a small project that keeps you enjoying what you are doing. Whether it is lifting weights, high intensity cardio, or like me, going for daily walks. Make it something you enjoy.
To see all my photos you can check out the Facebook album or follow my personal profile on Instagram (#schnauzerandsculptureseries).