Home Workout 7: Barbell Complex
For this workout you will need a barbell and a small amount of weight. If you don’t have a barbell, dumbbells or kettlebells can be substitutes.
A complex is a series of exercises performed one after the other, using the same equipment and same weight for all the exercises. All reps of one exercise need to be completed before moving to the next, and you can only put the equipment down once all exercises are done.
In terms of weight to choose, base it off your weakest exercise. When in doubt, err on the lighter side; you can always increase your weight next workout.
For this barbell complex, perform the following exercises for 5-10 reps each, for a total of 5 rounds. You can put the bar down between rounds.
- Front Squat
- Squat Thruster
- Romanian Deadlift
- Bent-Over Row
- Push-Ups
This is a great short and sharp workout that will get the blood pumping and your muscles burning!
Finish with the Core Finisher for a little extra work and burn!
Mark -
Hi thanks for the video and explanation of barbell complexes. We have been doing CrossFit at our gym for a while and we are looking for new ways to mix up our programming. You can check us out at this page: https://drivingfitness.com.au/
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