Top 10 Workout Songs Of 2009
Music plays an important role in my workouts, and there is no doubt that a good song can push me through a tough boxing workout, keep the pace up in a cardio session, or push me to my limits in a strength and conditioning workout.
I do find however, that many songs played in gyms might have the right beat for a workout, but the songs themselves, when taken out of the workout context, are just downright bad.
I love to listen to music, and now with 2009 at a close, I thought I would put together a list of my top ten workout songs of the year. These songs were not only great for my workouts, but were some of my favourite songs, and came from some of my favourite albums of the year.
I hope you enjoy my list:
- Song: Gold Guns Girls
Artist: Metric
Album: Fantasies - Song: This Must Be It
Artist: Royksopp
Album: Junior - Song: Leave It
Artist: The Field
Album: Yesterday and Today - Song: Ulysses
Artist: Franz Ferdinand
Album: Tonight Franz Ferdinand - Song: 8th Wonder
Artist: The Gossip
Album: Music for Men - Song: Heads Will Roll
Artist: Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Album: It’s Blitz! - Song: Papillon
Artist: The Editors
Album: In This Light and on This Evening - Song: Daylight
Artist: Matt and Kim
Album: Grand - Song: 1901
Artist: Phoenix
Album: Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix - Song: All We Want, Baby, Is Everything
Artist: Handsome Furrs
Album: Face Control
Let me know what your favourite workout songs were for 2009. Feel free to download mine (84.3 MB), but remember, if you like, buy it.