Tag Archives: music

Top 10 Albums of 2018
Not gym or training related, but putting out my top 10 gym and workout tracks, made me think of all the great albums I have come across this year. I listen to a lot of music, and most of it…
Top 10 Gym Tracks of 2018
Not everyone has the same taste in music, and what some find motivating to train to, others want to close off their ears. Below is my top 10 tracks for the gym. It will become another playlist I put on…
Top 10 Workout Tracks of 2018
Every year I put together a list of my top workout tracks. These are the songs that were released (or released on an album) in that year, and form part of a playlist for my own training sessions, that I…
Top 10 Workout Tracks of 2017
Each year I put together a list of my top workout tracks. These are the songs that were released (or released on an album) in that year, and form part of a playlist for my training sessions, that I continually…
Top 10 workout tracks of 2016
Every year I compile a list of my top workout tracks that were released in that year. When I train, I generally listen to rap and RnB. Depending on how I am feeling, I will listen to music that makes me feel happy…
Top 10 workout songs of 2015
Every December I put together a list of my top 10 workout songs that were released during the year. These are songs I either listen to in a training session, in competition, or on the way to the gym. I…