Tag Archives: home workout

Home Workout 12: Barbell and Powerbands
If you’ve only got a small amount of weight at home, adding some bands to your weights will give you more resistance. Making light weight much more challenging. Here is a workout with added band resistance for you to try…
Home Workout 11: Kettlebells
If you have access to a couple of different weight kettlebells, here is a workout for you! This workout will work on your strength, so use weights that will push you. If your kettlebells aren’t heavy enough, add more repetitions.…
Home Workout 10: Bodyweight Conditioning
For this home workout you’ll just need a skipping rope, chair, mat and a timer/stopwatch. Perform the following exercises for 1 minute each. Only rest when all of the exercises are complete. Perform for a total of 4 to 6…
Home Workout 9: Barbell Complex
For this workout you will need a barbell and a small amount of weight. If you don’t have a barbell, dumbbells or kettlebells can be substitutes. A complex is a series of exercises performed one after the other, using the…
Home Workout 8: Suspension Trainer
The suspension trainer is a great piece of equipment. There is so much you can do with it! It is also easily packed away into a small bag, which means you can take it anywhere! Most suspension trainer comes with…
Home Workout 6: Core Finisher
This workout can be done as a finisher to all other workouts I have posted so far! Perform the following exercises for 10 – 20 reps each, for 2 – 4 rounds: Bicycle legs Bicycle crunches Scissor legs It won’t…