Tag Archives: fat loss

Do You Measure Up?
The Australian Government’s Measure Up campaign is back on our television screens. The campaign, which was first launched in 2008, highlights the importance of people’s waist measurement as a risk factor for chronic disease and how people can lower their risk (and waist size) through…
Escalating Density Training Workout
Following on from my post on escalating density training (EDT), below is an EDT workout I have put together for you to try. This workout comprises of three 15 minute sessions, separated by 5 minute rest periods. It is made up…
Escalating Density Training For Fat Loss And Muscle Gain
Escalating Density Training (EDT) was created by the strength and conditioning specialist Charles Staley and is a highly effective fat loss and muscle building training method. Staley theorised that “in order to increase muscle mass, you either have to do MORE…
Interval Training Workout Program
Following my recent articles on weight loss/fat loss, and the best ways of achieving it, below is an interval training workout program that you can try at your own gym. It will take you approximately 45 minutes to complete. Interval…
Why Traditional Weight Loss Methods Don’t Work
In my last post Weight Loss Vs Fat Loss – Losing Fat Without Losing Muscle, I discussed the difference between weight loss and fat loss and the key points to consider when looking to lose fat. In this post I…
Weight Loss Vs Fat Loss – Losing Fat Without Losing Muscle
Most people looking to lose weight look to see what the scales say in order to measure their weight loss success. However weighing yourself is not the best way to measure fat loss. Lots of people will see the number…