Tag Archives: tips

West African Chicken
A client of mine shared this recipe with me awhile back and now it is a staple in the many regular dishes I make, with my a couple of my own adjustments. This is really tasty and easy to make.…
Rib Dysfunction: What a Pain
I spent most of 2017 with upper back pain, around my right scapula. I spent countless hours (and money) at the osteo and physio, to relieve the problem, only for it to raise it’s ugly head not too long after.…
Slow Cooked Chicken with Dates and Chickpeas
The recipe below has become quite a regular one for me. I love using the slow cooker. It makes for delicious, healthy and really easy to make recipes. This recipe has been modified from another recipe I found online, I…
Cauliflower Pizza
Love pizza? But need to find an alternative to the doughy variety? I really love this cauliflower pizza recipe. The base is simple and easy to make and you can change the toppings to suit your appetite! Ingredients: Base: 1…
Back to Back: 10 Exercises To Build A Stronger Upper Back
Being a powerlifter, I do a lot of bench pressing. I lift heavy four times a week, and most weeks that includes benching six times. One of the most popular exercises in the gym (especially for men) is the bench…
Improving shoulder stability
In the last few months of last year, I started to feel some shoulder pain while squatting, as frustrating as it was, I found I could push through it and still make some great squat progress. However, I wasn’t making…