Tag Archives: program

The Single Dumbbell Workout
I’ve posted a few workouts this year which use minimal equipment. These workouts make it easier to exercise at home or when you are on holidays. Below is another such workout and all you need for this is one dumbbell.…
Warm-Up Winter Workout
Winter has definitely hit Canberra this last week and so I thought I would put together a workout to get you warm! A full body work-out you can do at the gym or inside the comfort of your own home…
The non-cheesecake, cheesecake recipe
I run a 12-week challenge a couple of times each year. Not some kind of fast track weight loss challenge, instead it is a program that focuses on good nutrition. Food is the one area that many people struggle with and in…
No excuses workout
Don’t have much time? space? or equipment? Well, not to worry, that’s no excuse not to exercise! Below is a simple and short workout that you can do in under 20 minutes, in your lounge room. All you need is a…
Dumbbell workout
I’ve posted a few workout ideas over the years and this year I plan to do more, to help the people out there who need workout ideas, especially sessions you can do at home, with minimal equipment. The workout below will…
Winter warmer workout
It can be hard to stay motivated with exercise over the winter months, when all you want to do is stay warm and cuddle your blankets inside. But just because it is freezing outside, doesn’t mean you can’t exercise in the…