
Top 10 Gym Tracks of 2018
Not everyone has the same taste in music, and what some find motivating to train to, others want to close off their ears. Below is my top 10 tracks for the gym. It will become another playlist I put on…
Top 10 Workout Tracks of 2018
Every year I put together a list of my top workout tracks. These are the songs that were released (or released on an album) in that year, and form part of a playlist for my own training sessions, that I…
2018 Australian Powerlifting Championships
On Saturday 13th October, I competed in my 6th consecutive Australian Powerlifting Championships. In the lead up to this competition, I had to reset my expectations on what I could achieve. I have ongoing hip problems which have contributed to…
It’s never too late to lift
I’ve been a personal trainer for over 10 years and a competitive powerlifter for 8 of those years. In all that time, what has inspired me the most, is seeing people pursue things they once thought was never possible, or…
West African Chicken
A client of mine shared this recipe with me awhile back and now it is a staple in the many regular dishes I make, with my a couple of my own adjustments. This is really tasty and easy to make.…
Rib Dysfunction: What a Pain
I spent most of 2017 with upper back pain, around my right scapula. I spent countless hours (and money) at the osteo and physio, to relieve the problem, only for it to raise it’s ugly head not too long after.…