Category Archives: personal

2017 Australian Powerlifting Championships
In October I competed in my 5th consecutive Australian Powerlifting Championships, as a 52kg lifter. I finished the day going 7/9 with a 125kg squat, 65kg bench and a PB deadlift of 150kg. Both my squats and bench were down…
2017 World Powerlifting Championships
It’s been just over a month since I competed at the IPF World Powerlifting Championships. A month already!!! It will definitely go down as one of the best experiences and trips of my life. Below are the videos of all…
Powerlifting: Matti Tikka 2017
I was invited to compete at the annual Matti Tikka competition, held earlier this month. This was my first competition of 2017. The training year didn’t start off well, with back spasms in January and then ongoing shoulder, scapula and…
Summer Berry Salad Recipe
Summer is a great time of year for an abundance of seasonal fruit, and right now there are plenty of berries in season. Choosing seasonally is an excellent way to get great tasting produce at a good price. Below is…
Top 10 workout tracks of 2016
Every year I compile a list of my top workout tracks that were released in that year. When I train, I generally listen to rap and RnB. Depending on how I am feeling, I will listen to music that makes me feel happy…
Final comp of 2015: Top Lifter V
This post is a little late, but I thought I would still share the videos of my final comp of 2015. It was a local level competition in Sydney, run by John Tran at City Strength. It was a well…