Tag Archives: fitness

Push-Up Power
Push-ups are a great exercise, and can be done anywhere! Many of my female clients have goals of being able to do push-ups on their toes, and with the right technique, practice and perseverance, they all get there in the…
Tabata Training
The tabata training method is named after the Japanese scientist who brought this type of training to the worlds attention following his 1996 study. Tabata training is a type of high intensity interval training (HIIT), an exercise strategy that uses…
Dealing With Exercise Muscle Cramps And Stitches
I’ve had many clients ask me over the years what causes muscle cramps and side abdominal stitches. Below is a short article explaining what they are, why you might get them, and how to avoid them. What are muscle cramps?…
Top 10 Workout Songs Of 2012
Below is a guest blog post from our fantastic trainer Holly, sharing her top 10 workout songs of 2012. There’s no denying that music can motivate us to work harder – to push you to limits that you didn’t think…
Beginners Guide To Plyometrics
Plyometrics are explosive exercises designed to increase speed and power. Plyometrics were initially made famous by the Soviet Olympians in the 1970s, and since then, has been a core element in the strength programs of elite athletes worldwide. But plyometric…
Top 10 Workout Songs of 2011
I haven’t listened to much new music this year, which has meant I haven’t been able to put together a list of my top 10 workout songs to share with you. However, my colleague Holly McDonald, a wonderful personal trainer…