Category Archives: diet

Ratatouille Recipe
Ratatouille is a healthy Mediterranean dish that is great both hot or cold, so perfect for all year round. I made this dish last night for dinner, and served it with grilled chicken. YUM! Although this isn’t a traditional way…
Grilled Chicken, Corn and Pomegranate Salad
After recently experiencing the wonder of pomegranate tea, and seeing a good friend of mine eating the real thing in a salad, I thought I would try this exotic fruit myself. Being an avid salad lover, I decided to put…
Quinoa Salad Recipe
I have recently become a great fan of quinoa, a pseudo grain that unlike other grains, such as wheat and rice, it is high in protein and is considered a complete protein as it contains all nine essential amino acids.…
Quick and Easy Cous Cous Salad
Today for lunch, I have made myself one of my favourite quick and easy salad recipes and I thought I would share it with you. This cous cous salad recipe is not just quick and easy to make, but most…
Healthy Fast Food in the USA – Eating Well Whilst Travelling
I have just come back from a wonderful month long holiday in the USA. Whilst overseas I was committed to maintaining my powerlifting training, as well as eating well. Many of you will know that going on a holiday generally…
Baby Spinach, Roast Pumpkin and Feta Salad
I recently attended my beautiful niece’s 1st birthday party, and my sister asked me to bring along a green salad. As it is currently winter, I decided to make a warm salad to suit the cold Canberra climate. The salad was…