Yearly Archives: 2014

Medicine ball madness
Medicine balls are a great piece of equipment. At home or in the gym, you can use a medicine ball to create an awesome intense cardio/conditioning session! Try this one out for yourself. 5 rounds: 10 slams 10 swings 10…
Quick and easy bean salad
Legumes are staple ingredients in my diet – kidney beans, chick peas, lentils, butter beans etc. I love them. Not only are they quick and easy ingredients to add to meals, but they also provide an amazing amount of nutrition.…
NSPC Powerlifting Challenge
On Sunday 28 September I competed at the NSPC Raw Powerlifting Challenge. The aim of this competition was to build confidence for the major competition to come in December, that being the Oceania/Asia Championships. I weighed in at 50.75kg and…
Prehab: Staying mobile and injury free
The word ‘prehab’ may sound like something reserved only for athletes, but it’s actually something everyone should be doing – regardless of your training goals or fitness levels. To me, prehab incorporates stretching, foam rolling, trigger point work (such as…
Almond and date protein balls
Nutritious treats can be hard to find, so I have decided to make my own. These protein balls are delicious! Try them out yourself. But remember, even though they are packed with great nutrition, they are still a treat to…
Tips for success. No excuses
I have been a personal trainer for eight years and during this time, plenty of excuses have crossed my path as to why someone hasn’t been able to exercise or eat well. Sure, some of these are valid reasons –…